Friday, April 08, 2005

Clearancebin Teen Quiz #1: Is Suicide Right for You?


1. The weather man says there’s a good chance of rain. You decide:
a. to bring your umbrella.
b. to wear your bright red slicker and yellow galoshes—there should be some great puddles to splash around in.
c. to stay in bed.
d. to ignore the weather man and his predictions; he is wrong most the time anyway.
e. None of the above.

2. There is a special some one in your life, and though the magic is certainly there, neither one of you has made a move. How would you confront them with your feelings?
a. Ask them if they’d like to go to lunch sometime and use their response as a way to measure their interest.
b. Leave a secret message where only they can find it and pour out your heart to them in poetry.
c. Call them on the phone and breathe heavily while masturbating.
d. Tell them to stop looking at you—you cannot stand the company of people. Everybody is a liar and hearts are only made to be broken.
e. None of the above.

3. Some friends ask you to go to a party with them. You decide:
a. to ask what you should bring.
b. to purge purge purge and book some time at the local salon; after all you want to look your best.
c. to refuse at first and then come late. Everybody will think you’re cool.
d. to tell them parties are like rotten meat. It is a gathering of maggots to feed on the dead flesh of expectations.
e. None of the above.

4. Your best friend calls you late at night. She is very emotional and says her life means nothing. She regrets breaking up with her boyfriend, and she admits to having thoughts of killing herself. You decide:
a. to keep her on the line and talk to her, invite her over or offer to come to her house. By any measure, she should not be left alone.
b. to tell her to turn that frown upside down and learn to laugh again. After all, there are other fish in the sea
c. to laugh and hang up. Anyone who takes their life that seriously is obviously not cool
d. to agree with her. There is nothing worth going through the pain of living for.
e. None of the above.

5. You receive a letter in the mail stating that you’ve been chosen for jury duty. You decide:
a. to show up early and bring a good book to read.
b. to wear your best outfit—lawyers make great lovers.
c. to say your father died and you have to attend to family matters. Then stay in bed and call people and masturbate while breathing heavily
d. to write a response stating categorically that there is no justice in the world and you refuse on grounds of personal beliefs to participate in the sham that is called the American Justice system.
e. None of the above.

6. There is a big test coming up in one of your classes. You decide:
a. to study extra hard by yourself. A good grade is worth the hard work.
b. to study with your friends, maybe your parents will order a pizza when they see what a good student you are
c. to watch the Cojack marathon until 3am and then try to cheat during the exam.
d. to tell the teacher that test are just a means of controlling people and that the only certain things in life like death and discouragement can never be prepared for.
e. None of the above.

7. A friend of yours offers you some drugs. You decide:
a. to refuse them. You still want to be their friend, but you don’t understand why someone with so much potential would want to waste it.
b. to laugh and say no thank you. You’re plenty crazy without drugs… have they ever heard the story about the time you and your girlfriends rented a limo to go to the rock concert and you waved at all the cars and screamed yourself raw.
c. to hit them on the head and take all the drugs for yourself.
d. to do some drugs with them and later on feel guilty for having so much fun.
e. None of the above.

8. Someone you know is in a relationship tells you they are interested in you. You decide:
a. to remind them that they are in a relationship, and you are not interested in living a double life just for passing thrills.
b. to act shocked at first and then tell all your friends.
c. to sleep with them if they make you horny, otherwise use their offer to bribe them.
d. to make them lick your boots and grovel all the while teasing them with your naked but unattainable body.
e. None of the above.

9. You accidentally offend someone, and they confront you saying they want to fight. You decide:
a. to apologize for any part you played in the confusion and offer to make it up to them.
b. to laugh and tell them to take a number.
c. to hide behind your friends and later on put popcorn in their engine oil.
d. to fight them, brutality and courage are inseparable means to the ends of glorious defeat.
e. None of the above.

10. You see a teen quiz in a magazine, you decide:
a. to take it, it might be good for some laughs.
b. to use it to figure something out.
c. to tear out the pictures of hotties and later on masturbate.
d. to burn the magazine for the piece of consumer trash that it obviously is.
e. None of the above.


1. This question deals with our expectations of the future.
a. Answer A appears to make the most sense until we look at the deeper meanings of this response. First, to bring your umbrella implies that you’ve already purchased an umbrella, which means that you experience thoughts of paranoia about rain. Second, the fear of getting wet is strongly linked to feelings of inadequacy and possibly witchcraft. (4 points)
b. Answer B with its manic vivacity is an accident waiting to happen. (5 points)
c. Answer C implies depression. (3 points)
d. Answer D exhibits a defeatist attitude ripe for a mental breakdown. (2 points)
e. Answer E is staple answer of a loser that fears commitment. (1 point)

2. Anxiety attacks are frequently a sign of bigger problems. The way we approach difficult social situations and put ourselves in a vulnerable position can indicate the way we internalize problems.
a. Answer A is practical but lacking in heart. (3 points)
b. Answer B is romantic to a fault. (4 points)
c. Answer C is morbid and disgusting (5 points)
d. Answer D is heartfelt and sincere (1 point)
e. Answer E is detached, alienated, and ill worded. (2 points)

3. This question is a straightforward approach to issues of inclusion.
a. Answer A is servile and primed for issues with gratification and self-worth (2 points)
b. Answer B is appropriately false for the occasion and allows for a chance to make others feel bad for not looking as good as you. (1 point)
c. Answer C is trying too hard (5 points)
d. Answer D is the right answer but the metaphor is cliché (3 points)
e. Answer E is downright obnoxious; we’re taking about a party for Pete’s sake. (4 points)

4. Here we must look into ourselves to discover how we empathize with another person’s pain. This is also a good question to ask someone if you think they might be a robot.
a. Answer A is right in terms of empathy, but seems a little too concerned. If the attempts are not successful we would be inclined to worry about issues of guilt or overt attachment and anger. (3 points)
b. Answer B is more in tune with capitalist reality. (1 point)
c. Answer C is cruel and insensitive without reason (4 points)
d. Answer D is sincere and well thought out (2 points)
e. Answer E indicates a short attention span (5 points)

5. This question raises the issue of civic duty.
a. Answer A is the answer of an anal retentive idiot (5 points)
b. Answer B is smart and sexy (1 point)
c. Answer C is clever but poorly engineered (3 points)
d. Answer D is down right foolish and self destructive (4 points)
e. Answer E is bland and tasteless (2 points)

6. Issues of preparing for the future can often shed light on the way we avert problems before they become worse than necessary.
a. Answer A is the answer of an over achiever who does so because of feelings of inadequacy (3 points)
b. Answer B is manipulative but fair (2 points)
c. Answer C is unimpeachable in its logic and finesse (1 point)
d. Answer D is trying too hard (5 points)
e. Answer E is annoying. (4 points)

7. When approaching the use of illegal substances we must tread lightly. Modern psychiatrists have proven that drugs, when used for recreation alone, are essentially harmless.
a. Answer A is the sort of mush you’d expect from some kind of conservative nancy boy who’s never thought for himself (4 points)
b. Answer B is devoid of feeling and frankly sad (5 points)
c. Answer C is both practical and poetic (1 point)
d. Answer D is pedestrian (2 points)
e. Answer E is ambivalent but justly so (3 points)

8. Trust is a stumbling block any good two-timer must overcome.
a. Answer A is overly pious to the point of dishonesty (4 points)
b. Answer B is prudish but fun (3 points)
c. Answer C is manipulative and grammatically incorrect (5 points)
d. Answer D is brutal but even-handed (2 points)
e. Answer E is subtle and sinister (1 point)

9. This question addresses the issues of dominance and confrontation.
a. Answer A is the defense of a coward (5 points)
b. Answer B is absurd and trite (3 points)
c. Answer C is clever and insightful (1 point)
d. Answer D is the answer of a real philosopher (2 points)
e. Answer E is redundant (4 points)

10. The fact of the matter is anyone who takes teen quizzes is a failure. Their lure lies in playing off your own insecurities. Award yourself 5 points irregardless of your response.


0-10 points: You’re a winner. Nothing can get in your way. The sky is the limit.

11-20 points: Your life is a mediocre sham, but there’s still some great movies out there that you shouldn’t miss.

21-30 points: You are bland and lacking in personality, but still generally likeable in a pathetic kind of way.

31-40 points: You know there’s a reason why you took this test, don’t you? Quit lying to yourself and get your head examined.

41-50 points: Please just put down the gun and call someone. There’s hotlines where people will pretend like they care and stuff. I think they charge a per minute rate.


The quiz you just took was malicious and offensive. The opinions expressed were those of flesh eating bacteria. Blogspot, clearancebin, and TEEN magazine cannot be held accountable for the opinions expressed in this quiz. Well, may clearancebin can be held accountable, but only after and lengthy and expensive lawsuit. Our lawyers have fangs. Wait, what am I saying? I love you people. I don’t know what came over me. I guess this job’s really getting to me. And, I think I’m loosing my hair. What’s a guy supposed to do? I’m so scared. Sniff. Look, let’s just pretend this never happened.


Blogger Taken said...

I tried doing the test but by question 5 I was popping so much Xanax I could hardly read between the polka dots. Eventually, I did make it to the last question without jumping out the window - am on ground floor and windows have bars - and I think I scored 57.

4/09/2005 09:19:00 PM  
Blogger Nehl Cloete said...

brilliant. i wish that i would have had this in middle school. i would have been more likely to simply forego the previous few years of solitude, pain, and discontent.

4/10/2005 02:49:00 PM  
Blogger pillar of salt said...

admit it, benjy. you were thinking about me when i was in high school when you wrote this. why didn't someone just buy me a machete or introduce me to someone who could get good heroin...

4/10/2005 03:42:00 PM  
Blogger Sterbor_Nimajneb said...

I spent some time on the Puget Sound last March (or maybe the March before last), and I was out on Lumi Island which is this tiny piece of rock seperated from the mainland by the Strait of Georgia. This island is just a post office and some sheep and pine trees and rocks and little wooden houses. All the roads are dirt. All the people drive to work in their boats. Anyways, I had this day dream that everybody in the world stepped into the ocean at the same time. And, like you know how the water in the bath tub goes up when you get in? Well, the same thing happened with the ocean. The water level came up and everybody was drawning. Everybody in the whole world. That's what I was thinking about. That and being bauld. I'm looking forward to going bauld. I can't wait. You see, most girls can't really know what its like to have this epiphany, but I realized that once I'm bauld I can get really angry and people will think its funny. Especially, if I wear nerdy glasses. I can be mad all the time, and people will just laugh and think I'm the funniest guy they know. Baulding has its perks. So, does the ocean. You know if the Greeks were honest most of the gods would be bauld. I mean you know Poseidon would be bauld... and Zeus. The way these guys acted most of the time... giant George Castansas. Forget about it.

4/10/2005 05:42:00 PM  
Blogger Andytown said...

Sir or Madam,

I am writing a pamphlet intitled HEY KIDZ: DON'T JUMP OFF THAT ROOF! (I have mispelled it with the "Z" in order to make it hip with my target audience.) My question to you is: What do you think is an more exciting aspect of teenager - cafeteria lunches or the prospect of a new CRANKSHAFT comic every morning? Because at the moment my pamphlet needs some work. It has been rejected by every pamphlet company, including the one owned by my father.

4/11/2005 05:54:00 AM  

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